
Winter Shape Up 2013: Week 4 Fuel

Is it really the last week of Winter Shape Up?! If you’re sad to see it go, remember you can always repeat it to make it an 8-week program ? Perfect kick in the pants right before spring break, too. I’ve already received so many amazing success stories for the BodyMedia giveaway– make sure to send yours in by Wednesday if you’d like to enter <3

Here are some meal ideas for the final week of Winter Shape Up:

Cookie  1 of 1 2


Baked breakfast cookies

Crepes (can make ahead and reheat)

Protein waffle 

Banana bread breakfast bake

Fruit salad


Lemon mint lentil salad

Turkey burgers, sweet potato fries and salad

Sweet potato spaghetti

Crustless mushroom quiche with roasted veggies




Steamed eggs

Tortilla roll ups (banana, nut butter, cinnamon, rolled up in a tortilla)

Baked apple

Egg puff with veggies and nutritional yeast

Trail mix

Butterfinger smoothie

Chicken crust pizza

Chocolate protein bars

Protein cake 2



-Change your bread/grain choices this week. It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut, and by varying the foods you purchase, you can get in some different nutrients. Instead of brown rice, go for quinoa or something exotic, like farro or amaranth. If you buy pre-made bread or tortillas, switch it up!

-Experiment with one new type of produce this week. Pick something that looks fresh and delicious, and while you’re at the store, search for a simple recipe to experiment with your new ingredient. One easy way to change things: get some fresh herbs, as they’re a super low cal way to add a burst of flavor and health benefits.

-Prep and plan as much as possible. Set aside some time this Sunday to chop, cook, roast, freeze, whatever you need to do to successfully eat like a PRO (lots of PROtein and PROduce) this week. 

-Send in your pics! I always love to see your healthy meal creations and workout pics. Tag me @fitnessista (#wintershapeup #eatlikeaPRO) and who knows.. maybe you’ll win a surprise giveaway ?

Here’s this week’s workout calendar for those who’d like to plan ahead and shuffle this week! If you haven’t joined in, I challenge you to try one of the workouts this week. Just one! See how you like it and how ya feel, and maybe you’ll do Summer Shape Up along with us. If anything, it will be a fun switch-up to your usual routine.


The week 4 workout and all of the challenges for the week will be up tomorrow.

Happy training <3

Check in! Did you do Workout 3 today? How’d it go? What’s on the menu for this week?

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