
Windows 10 hits another milestone as Microsoft’s OS passes 200m installs


It was a happy Christmas for Windows 10 as the Microsoft operating system passed the milestone of 200 million users during the festive period.

The software appears to be going through a purple patch, gaining 90 million users in just three months to achieve the feat.

In fact, Windows 10’s expansion rate makes it Microsoft’s fastest-growth operating system to date. That free upgrade strategy seems to be paying off.

“Windows 10 continues to be on the fastest growth trajectory of any version of Windows – ever – outpacing Windows 7 by nearly 140% and Windows 8 by nearly 400%,” said Microsoft’s corporate vice president Yusuf Mehdi.

Breaking the figures down, Microsoft claims that more than 40% of the newly-activated Windows 10 devices were purchased on or after Black Friday.

The firm also boasts that Windows engagement is at a record high, with users spending more than 11 billion hours on its latest operating system during December, surfing the web on Edge for over 44.5 billion minutes between them, and asking Cortana 2.5 billion questions.

The Windows 10 Photo app has been used to view 82 billion pictures, more than 4 billion hours has been spent PC gaming through the OS, and over 6.6 million hours of Xbox One streaming has taken place.

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