Apple News

What we think we know

What we think we know

iPhone 5
Last year's iPhone 5 wasn't revolutionary, but it did amount to a top-to-bottom restyling and re-engineering of the iPhone 4/4S look into a totally new product. The 5S, on the other hand, looks like last year revisited, down to the two-tone metal/glass …

Here is the dream iPhone 5S CNET readers want

iPhone 5
All together, a jump to plastic on the iPhone 5C is expected to cut the cost of the mechanical parts by around half from the $ 33 Apple pays on the iPhone 5, to $ 16 for the 5C, according to recent estimates by Morgan Stanley. Most important rumored …

Paid in America: Moto X costs more to build than Apple's iPhone 5

iPhone 5
Motorola's hot new Moto X features great customization options and a top-notch software experience, and we said it was probably the best mass-market Android phone in the world when we reviewed it earlier this month. When it comes to things like …

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