Car News

UK motorists will spend £7.8bn on fuel this Christmas

Filling up at the petrol pump

An estimated 28 million petrol and diesel car drivers will take to the roads during December to visit friends and family or buy gifts – each forking out more than £280 on fuel in the process.

As a result, a fifth intend to leave the car at home ‘as much as possible’ and will actively reduce the number of trips they make over the festive season, claims a new study.

Commissioned by EDF Energy, which offers a GoElectric tariff for charging electric vehicles at home, the research also found 40% think petrol and diesel is ‘too expensive’.

Winter driving

But more than a third of the 2,000 motorists polled feel they’ve no choice but to pay so much for fuel because they’re so dependent on their cars – especially this time of year.

The study also revealed that the financial burden of driving a petrol or diesel car is not the only thing motorists are worried about.

Their carbon footprint is also a concern, with an eighth claiming they don’t intend to travel over the festive period in order to keep emissions down.

For the same reason, a sixth of drivers have arranged to get a lift with someone else travelling to a nearby location. And one in 10 have booked a more sustainable mode of transport to get to their destination.

Hyundai Kona Electric

The study also found electric car owners will spend £184.32 on average when charging their vehicles during December – £99.36 less than than those with diesel or petrol vehicles.

Perhaps as a result, a third of fuel car owners think they will purchase an electric car at some point next year.

And around a quarter of fuel-car drivers, polled via OnePoll, said they would consider switching to an EV if they knew how much money they could save.

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