
Q&A: How much do computer repairmen get paid in the Dallas area?


How much do computer repairmen get paid in the Dallas area?

Computer repairmen that work at Geek Squad or another computer repair business. A person with a degree of some sort. Also, what would be the salary of a Computer Programmer in the Dallas area? God Bless!

computer best answer:

Answer by Brooke
A good friend of ours owns a communications/networking installation/computer support business in Dallas. For skilled computer repair people he pays $ 30/hour, it is all contracted work at businesses and corporations and is completely full time. They offer several company benefits such as bonuses, healthcare plan, etc.

We know another person who owns a franchise similar to Geek Squad, he chrages a “trip charge” then bills at $ 60/hour. He pays the employee at $ 35/hour, the extra $ 25 covers employment/advertising costs, the trip charge is basically where his profit sits. Most “house calls” generally tip as well, adding to the pay. His calls are primarily home computer uses rather than businesses. He charges and pays more for after hours/weekend work. While he pays more for his techs, they do not necessarily get 40 hours per week, his techs are only “on the clock” if they are working, and the calls can sometimes be spotty. Some weeks get more than 40 hours, some weeks they get less. They do not have many benefits.

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