
Q&A: How do I update my iPod touch to the new ios with a different computer than I first started with?


How do I update my iPod touch to the new ios with a different computer than I first started with?

My iPod was always synced and updated with my first laptop. Now that the laptop is broken and I have a new one, i’m trying to figure out how to update my iPod to the new iOS. I now know how to sync and manually manage music and videos but I want to update my iPod. Every time I press update, it tells me that if I continue, all my data on my iPod will be deleted and replaced with the data on this lap-top’s iTunes, but I don’t want to do that. Help please?
I would got to the settings and to general to update it but my iPod is iOS 4 and it doesn’t do that…. Right now I can manually manage and sync my iPod but I can’t update it to ios6 without deleting my iPods data and replacing it with the data on my new iTunes. I need an explanation on what to do if I want to update my iPod to the new iOS. ALSO IF I WERE TO DELETE THE DATA ON MY IPOD IN ORDER TO UPDATE IT, WILL I HAVE TO DO THAT EVERYTIME I WANT TO UPDATE IT TO THE NEW IOS?
right now my new iTunes on my new computer has all the data from my iPod stored on it including songs, apps, etc.

iOS best answer:

Answer by mcdonaldcj
If you were to use a different computer than the one that you originally synced your iPod with, there is no way around it, you have to restore your iPod and delete all it’s contents. Your second question contains both a yes and a no answer. Yes in that if you don’t use your original computer, all your contents will be deleted every time you update to a new iOS. your no answer that I’m gonna give you comes from doing it right from the iPod itself… if you initially update to the new iOS from your computer, the next time you need to update your iOS, you can do it right from the iPod.

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