
Nice Exercise Tips photos

Check out these Exercise Tips images:

Joint exercise in Malaysia
Exercise Tips
Image by Georgia National Guard
CAMP PULADA, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Sept. 29, 2012 – Nineteen Soldiers of the 560th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (BFSB) mobilized to the southern-most tip of Asia in support of Keris Strike – an annual joint U.S.-Malaysian training exercise.

The Keris Strike Exercise was comprised of an academic phase, a Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) stage, and a command post exercise phase. Academics were designed to prepare the Georgians and Malaysians to conduct complex peacekeeping operations between the fictional nations of Lanunland and Struland.

During the MDMP phase, Georgians and Malaysians were formed into a combined-brigade staff to prepare the initial phase of the Keris Strike peace keeping mission: a complex cordon and search operation in coordination with UN and local police.

Pictured here, Master Sgt. Wilfred Robinson and Kaptain Muhamad Amir Hafiz, discuss the differences between the U.S. Army’s Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) and the Malaysian Army’s Military Appreciation Process (MAP) while serving as the Supply team at the command post exercise.

Photo by 1st. Lt. William Carraway, Public Affairs Office, Georgia Department of Defense

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Joint exercise in Malaysia
Exercise Tips
Image by Georgia National Guard
CAMP PULADA, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Sept. 29, 2012 – Nineteen Soldiers of the 560th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (BFSB) mobilized to the southern-most tip of Asia in support of Keris Strike – an annual joint U.S.-Malaysian training exercise.

The Keris Strike Exercise was comprised of an academic phase, a Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) stage, and a command post exercise phase. Academics were designed to prepare the Georgians and Malaysians to conduct complex peacekeeping operations between the fictional nations of Lanunland and Struland.

During the MDMP phase, Georgians and Malaysians were formed into a combined-brigade staff to prepare the initial phase of the Keris Strike peace keeping mission: a complex cordon and search operation in coordination with UN and local police.

Pictured here, Maj. Kris Marshall, Future Operations Officer during the command post exercise, supervises the Provost Marshal team of WO 1 Bryan Boling and Maj. Shazliza Bte Shahbutin.

Photo by 1st. Lt. William Carraway, Public Affairs Office, Georgia Department of Defense

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more exercise with 90/2
Exercise Tips
Image by dpwk
proof that I can get a sharp shot with the OM 90/2. tip: when shooting with a 35mm lens, forget the crop factor when setting IS. heh.

‘Simunition’ Rounds
Exercise Tips
Image by Defence Images
A machine gun magazine loaded with ‘Simunition’ rounds with their distinctive blue tip.

Simunition is a trade name for blank ammunition used in training exercises.
This image is available for non-commercial, high resolution download at subject to terms and conditions. Search for image number 45149333.jpg
Photographer: Steve Dock
Image 45149333.jpg from

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