
Newegg TV: PC Addons and Accessories

Pc Accessories

Newegg TV: PC Addons and Accessories Today we’re looking at a variety of products that are meant to improve your computer in a few different areas: performance upgrades, co…
pc accessories Video Rating: 4 / 5

Eee PC & accessories @ Target
pc accessories
Image by inju
Eee PC given a nice display rack, complete with plush accessories such as quilted cases.

I am looking for an online calculator to access on my computer?

One that has big fonts and is extremely accurate. Not a complicated one just general, calculate percentages, decimals of course… I use the calculator now on my PC in accessories but it is not very accurate and I can’t rely on it and the fonts are too small. It is very important hope someone can help!

pc accessories best answer:

Answer by Para
How come that the PC’s calculator is ‘not very accurate’??? You can always set it to ‘scientific mode’ to have access to some extra features.

Use a regular desktop calculator if you don’t like the one included in Windows.

New PC Accessory 5
pc accessories
Image by Bu Zaihu

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