
My version of the Bowl of the Gods

You knows it’s serious when you can’t stop thinking about a smoothie bowl.

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I don’t even love smoothie bowls all that much. Sure, I like them, and it’s a way to shake up the breakfast routine, but what can be sooooo special about eating your smoothie like a soup? Apparently a lot of things. I’ve been missing out, and thanks to Kure Juice Bar, I now understand.

When Anne and I first went to Kure during our Portland trip, I was definitely hungry for breakfast (<– my favorite meal). But, I wanted something to satisfy my hunger without giving me a pre-yoga food baby. Kure didn’t have a ton of meal options -they’re more for snacks and beverages- but I did notice the smoothie bowls. I figured I’d give it a whirl.

The one I ordered (Bowl of the Gods) was an apple juice-based smoothie, topped with gluten-free granola, goji berries, shredded coconut, cinnamon and fruit. The kicker is that they used protein powder and acai in the smoothie for protein staying power, and some bonus nutrients. It was everything I could wish for: nutty, sweet, salty, crunchy, creamy… a veritable cornucopia of textures.

So that’s exactly what this is:

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A smoothie with vegan protein powder and acai

+ texture combos (hemp seeds, coconut, chopped fresh fruit)

+ cereal (mix of puffed rice and gluten-free granola that Nicole sent me)

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When I had my Kure smoothie bowls, I was on vacation so I devoured the whole thing without thinking too much about the nutrient balance. The one I tried the second day (a creamy peanut butter and hemp-milk-based smoothie bowl) was a bit of a calorie bomb, so I figured while making it at home, I’d be mindful of the balance of ingredients. I don’t count calories at home, but I eyeball serving sizes with the more dense ingredients. Granola, nut butter and nuts/seeds can add up quickly! I figured I’d share the ratios I used for each one but of course, if you prefer to make it without measuring, go for it! I’m sure it will be delicious.

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The smoothie:

-1.5 C liquid of choice (apple juice or milk)

-1/2 C frozen mixed berries

-1 tablespoon nut butter (optional)

-1/2 acai berry smoothie pack (in the freezer section of most natural food stores)

-1/2 banana

-5 drops Stevia

-1/2 pack (or 1 heaping tablespoon) protein powder of choice (I used chocolate Vega)

Blend well, then pour into a large bowl.

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-The possibilities are endless. Nuts, cereal, coconut, seeds, dried fruit, fresh fruit, whatever you’re feelin’.

-I added: 1 C rice cereal, 1/2 pack of Blissful Eats granola, sliced banana, strawberries, blueberries and a dusting of coconut.

Just pour your smoothie in the bowl, add your toppings and enjoy!

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I can tell we’ll be having fun with these this summer. For the record, they’re toddler tested and approved, too ? Have you found an amazing healthy restaurant breakfast lately?

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