
Microsoft issues partners Windows XP phase-out marching orders

My Windows XP Computer
windows xp
Image by crazycharizard
Yes, I do have a Windows XP machine, No I am not using Boot Camp.

Microsoft issues partners Windows XP phase-out marching orders

windows xp
Microsoft and its partners have a lot of work to do between now and then to try to get more businesses off Windows XP. During the first day of the company's Worldwide Partner Conference in Houston, officials reminded resellers and systems integrators …

Windows XP on VMware on OS X (Snow Leopard)
windows xp
Image by dsleeter_2000
I wanted to see how efficiently each of these three ran together. The Core 2 Duo (1.5 year old MacBook Pro) is running Snow Leopard which runs mostly in 64-bit, with some apps running in 32-bit mode (including VMware Fusion here). If Windows is indexing, it goes up to 50% CPU utilization. This shows everything running basically at idle.

VMware Fusion v2.0.5 running XP Pro on top of Snow Leopard balances the load on both cores very well. Real world, the performance of XP run this way is just fine for most office software. A bit slower, but what the heck, it’s virtualized and running side by side! The Mac barely notices.

The same Windows partition can run as the boot partition — becoming a high-end Wintel PC. Sometimes that is the best way to go. But we (she) now prefers to work with Win XP running as a virtual machine along with Mac software, side by side.

Some day I will upgrade to VMware Fusion 3.0.1. And Windows 7.

Windows XP users advised to upgrade 'immediately' due to security reasons

windows xp
Software giant Microsoft had announced that it is going to stop support services to 'Windows XP' OS from April 8 next year and according to cyber-space authorities monitoring the Indian internet systems, the decision will have a direct effect for the …

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