
Latest Telephone News

Classic Tech: Watch a telephone operator training video

The AT&T Archives on YouTube has published a bunch of different films regarding the use of telephone usage – they recently posted this 1926 film called "Training for Service", a recruiting video that "shows a young woman going through the initial …

Subsidy for rural telephone companies under review at Oklahoma Corporation

An annual fee of $ 37 million that helps subsidize telephone service to rural areas could be paid by all customers if a number of telecom companies and regulators can convince the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to approve changes. The commission will …

Telephone companies abandon copper phone lines

Telephone companies abandon copper phone lines. By Peter Svensson. AP Technology Writer. POSTED: 11:00 a.m. HST, Jul 08, 2013. LAST UPDATED: 03:36 p.m. HST, Jul 08, 2013. ASSOCIATED PRESS. A wireless device that can be connected to a …

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