
Latest System Error News

Service record screw-ups: Report blames a broken system for widespread errors

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Researchers found multiple factors are to blame for the system breakdown, ranging from user error to poorly trained officials and an unnecessarily complicated system. “Performance of Navy personnel systems as a whole is unsatisfactory, and there is a …

Lubbock Power & Light Releases Statement Concerning June "Under-Billing"

system error
“The error, which was caught by our internal audit system, caused customers to be billed at the lower, winter rate fuel rate, rather than the higher summer rate fuel. We have corrected the problem and will work with our affected customers to minimize …

"Journal of Histotechnology" Reports on Real Risk of Errors in Patient Tissue

system error
TUCSON, Ariz., July 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (Ventana), a member of the Roche Group, announced a groundbreaking study in the Journal of Histotechnology that indicates there is a real risk that errors can be made in the …

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