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Ryerson Library Mobile News Blog
Mobile News
Image by Ryerson University Library

Hey, mobile carriers: frequent phone upgrades are unsustainable

Mobile News
Today, there are 102 active mobile phones or connected tablets for every 100 Americans, according to CTIA, The Wireless Association. This is a problem for the cellphone industry. Now that the industry has sold a phone or tablet to just about everyone …

average daily unique browsers mobile news websites
Mobile News
Image by samgranleese

Sourcebits Launches An Overhauled Chocolate Chip-UI, A Cross-Platform

Mobile News
Aiming to lessen cross-platform mobile development woes, Chocolate Chip-UI, an open source mobile framework incubated at Sourcebits, is being released today after being re-written from the ground up to support iOS 7, along with Android (Jelly Bean) and …

Mobile news shop
Mobile News
Image by Let Ideas Compete
Nybroplan, Stockholm.

A federal push for mobile privacy has failed, critics say

Mobile News
Lobbyists derailed an effort by U.S. President Barack Obama's administration to create mobile privacy standards, a privacy group charged on Thursday, while some participants in the process conceded it lacked focus. The U.S. National Telecommunications …

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