
iPad 2 Smart Cover|{amazontitle}

IPad Smart Cover

iPad 2 Smart Cover

Apple CEO Steve Jobs shows off a new, bendable, magnetic case specifically designed for the iPad 2 and called the Smart Cover. Live Link: http://cnettv.cnet….
iPad Smart Cover Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to remove gum from iPad smart cover?

Ok so someone left some gum on my desk and wo me noticing, I put The iPad (with smart cover on) and although the iPad is safe, the part of thes,art cover that touches the screen is ruined in this one spot and I’m freaking out

Please someone tell me how to remove it? Also, does freezing help?

iPad Smart Cover best answer:

Answer by DarkXTear
Rubbing acholhole gas uh amonia and accetone them work good !

TOP 5 bestselling product about iPad Smart Cover

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