
How come I cant connect my PS3 to my iMac and get an internet connection?

How come I cant connect my PS3 to my iMac and get an internet connection?

My iMac gets internet through wireless and I want to connect my PS3 to my Mac using a an ethernet cable. So under internet sharing I go “share this computer’s internet connection from Airport, to computers connected by Ethernet. But my PS3 will never connect saying that it is a DNS error. A tips or steps?

iMac best answer:

Answer by 1080pete
To get my ps3 online all I did was use the network settings option in the ps3 settings. First I pressed scan then waited for my network name to come up, selected it then it asks for WPA or another type of encryption mine is WPA so I put it in and there you go I’m online. If you need help finding out what your WPA key is use this program to find it on your imac then type it in to your ps3 when prompted.
here is the link hope it works

The PS3 has Wi-Fi so it does not need to be hardwired and can run off of the router you use for your current network settings you have on your imac unless of course you don’t have a router and its in the imac which in that case I don’t know what to suggest as I don’t know a thing about imacs.

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