
How can I make Windows 8 more like Windows 7 and bring back a start menu?

Windows 8

How can I make Windows 8 more like Windows 7 and bring back a start menu?

I bought a Dell Windows 8 PC and I would like to not be stuck int he new block interface all the time.

windows 8 best answer:

Answer by Tom
You can use the desktop like you used to in Windows 7.

The new ‘start screen’ is the touch/block interface and just works with the new apps you can buy from Windows (like how you buy apps from Apple for an iPhone/iPad).

If you want to place a start menu on the screen there are third party apps like ‘RetroUI Pro’ ( where you can add a start menu and do other things you might be interested. There may be other options out there as well.


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windows 8
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