
How can I insert an entire adobe document into a microsoft word document, preserving the entire adobe document?


How can I insert an entire adobe document into a microsoft word document, preserving the entire adobe document?

I need to insert and Adobe pdf file into a microsoft word document. I tried copy and paste, but it only puts in the words. I tried a snapshot, but that only does one page at a time.

adobe best answer:

Answer by Kathleen K
You can only put it in as a picture. You cannot put in the actual text unless you copied and paste, as you said you tried. So here it is, I do it all the time at work:

Go to your Adoba File and hit Save As
Save it as a “JPEG” document file, not an Adobe file. (where it says “Save as Type” under “File Name”)
Then go into your Word Document, into a new page.
Click “Insert”, “Picture”, “From File”
Find where you saved the pictures as (they will have saved as separate images per page. Meaning, page 1 will be one image, page 2 a separate image)
Hit the control key to select multiple pages at a time (unless you want to do each page for each page).
Then hit “Insert”
They will show up in the alphabetical order they show up in your file selection, each on their own page for each individual page you have saved from the Adobe File.

That is how to do it. If it doesn’t work for you or I wasn’t very clear, post an update on your question and I will come back and try to get you more help if you need it. But I think I said it clear enough. But I’m no brilliant teacher ?

Make sure your PDF file looks good, like crop the outlines if you have to. It will look exactly in your Word Document as it does in Adobe.

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