
Home Decor Trends That Should Stay In The Past

When renovating our homes, we tend to go with whatever is fashionable at the time. Unfortunately, much like clothes and hairstyles, there are trends that come and go. Yep, the home decor industry is not much different in this respect, even if it’s far more expensive. Popcorn ceilings, tiled countertops, shag carpets, wood paneling—need we continue?

Getty Images Photo By David Papazian

Although these design choices were once popular at the time, they’re now outdated and pretty cringe-worthy. Here are 52 homes that fell victim to these not so timeless trends.

They’re Not Twins

There is definitely such a thing as too much matching. It’s great to tie your space together, but including window valances that match the curtains, and curtains that then match the furniture turns your space into a single-patterned nightmare.

Getty Images Photo By Michel Arnaud

This home decor decision is a staple of decades past. It might look good in your grandma’s house, but it’s not the look you should want in your own home. Go with something modern and updated, not a single, limited color scheme.

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