
Five easy steps to Android app mastery


Ready to put your ideas into motion and start making your own apps? With this hot bundle of StackSkills’ Java Android 6.0 Coding courses – a package available now for just $29 – you’ll get 60 hours of training that’ll have you translating your great ideas into useful, sellable apps for all your Android-compatible devices.

Just take these five user-friendly courses:

  • Learn Android Lollipop Development: Build 14 working apps while working through a full full primer on the Android platform.
  • The Complete Java Developer Course: Master the understanding, writing and using of the powerful Java programming language.
  • Learn How to Reskin, Upload and Publish an Android Game: Learn how to transplant a popular game into an Android environment.
  • Play Framework Development with Java: Harness the popular Play Framework web app developer to build scalable Java-friendly apps
  • Reskin Games for App Stores — No Coding Required: There’s money in reskins! Understand how to reskin, then market and sell popular games.

These courses will give you everything you need to learn and conquer the Android app world. And at an eye-popping 95% off its regular price, it’s a great package for even the most casual of learners.

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