Weight Loss

feb 10 08 supper

Check out these weight loss plans images:

feb 10 08 supper
weight loss plans
Image by jodigreen
Roasted cauliflower soup (recipe from fat free vegan kitchen), cold leftover rice with soy sauce and baked tofu.

I’m trying something new for a while, taking pictures of my meals and posting them here as part of my plan to take better care of myself when Peter’s not around. If I post photos then I’ll feel accountable to someone other than myself and be far less likely to eat gross things like popcorn slathered with nutritional yeast and call them supper.

I’ll continue until I’m home again (once I’m with Peter again for good, I’ll be too embarrassed to pull crap like the popcorn-for-supper thing), or until I get bored with it, or until I get fed up with not being able to take decent photos of food in this apartment. I won’t bother photographing my breakfast, though, as I eat the same thing every day: Nature’s Path Heritage ancient grains flakes with plain soy milk and fresh fruit. Yawn.

Just to be clear, this isn’t a weight loss plan (although I have gained some weight in grad school, which I expect will correct itself if I just stop living like a grad student). Just a get-back-to-my-healthy-self plan.

feb 10 08 lunch
weight loss plans
Image by jodigreen
Roasted red pepper hummus with Wasa flatbread, carrots, broccoli and some leftover bits of the pepper I roasted last night. It’s so good I’m left wondering why I don’t throw a pepper in the oven alongside every single thing I ever cook in there.

I’m trying something new for a while, taking pictures of my meals and posting them here as part of my plan to take better care of myself when Peter’s not around. If I post photos then I’ll feel accountable to someone other than myself and be far less likely to eat gross things like popcorn slathered with nutritional yeast and call them supper.

I’ll continue until I’m home again (once I’m with Peter again for good, I’ll be too embarrassed to pull crap like the popcorn-for-supper thing), or until I get bored with it, or until I get fed up with not being able to take decent photos of food in this apartment. I won’t bother photographing my breakfast, though, as I eat the same thing every day: Nature’s Path Heritage ancient grains flakes with plain soy milk and fresh fruit. Yawn.

Just to be clear, this isn’t a weight loss plan (although I have gained some weight in grad school, which I expect will correct itself if I just stop living like a grad student). Just a get-back-to-my-healthy-self plan.

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