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Cold Shower for Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) Investors

Cold Shower for Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) Investors

Nokia W7
Windows RT devices were neither simple and intuitive enough to appeal to consumers who might otherwise buy an iPad, nor capable enough to appeal to mainstream Windows users, since WinRT couldn't run Windows 7 apps, unlike Windows 8 tablets. Shock #3 …

Un fanboy probando el W7
Nokia W7
Image by Isacar Marín

Microsoft 3.0: A meaner, leaner devices and services machine?

Nokia W7
Bates is also overseeing key partnerships with Microsoft partners like Yahoo and Nokia. A new finance …. Create the Search model in Win7 and remove the Desktop in Win8 — without regard to all the professionally competent and power users. MS hands us …

Build 2013 Keynote Day 1 Highlights

Nokia W7
This included phones from Nokia, (Lumia 925, 928, 521) and a new partnership with Sprint that will bring Windows 8 Phones to their network. Moving on from phones, Ballmer claims … They are also happier than Win7 customers. There will be Windows small …

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