
Are You Staying Up Too Late Because of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome?

A sleep disorder test can help confirm this somewhat mystifying condition. Here, we shed some light on delayed sleep phase syndrome and its causes and treatments.

There may be a scientific reason why some people are night owls: delayed sleep phase syndrome. It’s a sleep disorder in which your body’s clock tells you to fall asleep a few hours later than most people hit the sack. The problem is that this delayed bedtime makes it difficult to wake up when the rest of the world is getting ready for school, work, and the other activities of the day. The condition is most common among teens and young adults, but can affect older people too.

You may be advised by your doctor to take a sleep disorder test, but only after a review of your symptoms and a look at your regular sleep schedule suggests that delayed sleep phase syndrome may be present.

What Is Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome?

You may have heard the phrase “circadian rhythms” related to when you fall asleep and when you arise. These rhythms are part of the body’s natural clock that regulates sleepiness and wakefulness.

In people with delayed sleep syndrome, their circadian rhythms are out of step with the majority of people. Instead of falling asleep by 11:30 p.m. and waking up at 7 a.m., you don’t get really tired until 1:30 or 2 a.m. But if you still have to get up at 7 a.m., you’re walking around deprived of sufficient sleep.

An estimated 15 percent of adolescents have delayed sleep phase syndrome. It’s not clear why this syndrome develops in an individual. However, one theory suggests that it is a result of an over-adjustment to the change in circadian rhythms that start after puberty.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome Symptoms

While it may seem a conscious decision to stay up late texting, talking on the phone, watching TV, or being on the computer, teens with delayed sleep phase syndrome aren’t deliberately fighting their body’s natural desire to get more sleep. The most common symptom of the condition is an inability to fall asleep at an earlier time. This goes hand in hand with the result of poor sleep, which involves difficulty waking up and daytime sleepiness.

Usually, there aren’t other sleep problems. If you have delayed sleep phase syndrome, you can probably sleep fine once you fall asleep. The problem is, you’re not likely getting enough sleep for optimal health.

One other common sign of the condition is depression or at least depression symptoms.

Diagnosing Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

If you have the symptoms mentioned above, you should discuss them or any other sleep-related issues with your doctor. Physicians don’t always ask about your sleep, instead focusing on diet, exercise, smoking, and the management of any other diagnosed medical conditions. But sufficient, quality sleep is vital to good health.


See these University Health News posts on sleep hygiene and health.

  • Effective Insomnia Cures: 4 Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep
  • What You Should Know About Using Melotonin for Sleep
  • Think Natural: Cures for Insomnia
  • Why Can’t I Sleep? Remedies for Sleep Disorder
  • How to Sleep Better at Night—Naturally

To diagnose the problem as something other than insomnia, you may be asked to keep a sleep log that includes information about when you go to sleep, when you wake up, any trouble falling asleep, feelings of sleepiness during the day, and any other relevant details (exercise, daytime naps, etc.). In many cases, the logs and symptoms are enough to identify the problem. But further investigation with a delayed sleep phase syndrome test may be helpful.

A sleep disorder test may also include an overnight sleep study called a polysomnogram. The study is done in a sleep center, in which electrodes and other equipment monitor the electrical activity of your heart and brain, oxygen levels in your blood, your breathing and heart rates, and how much time you spend awake and in various sleep stages overnight. It’s primarily to look for other sleep disorders.

Your doctor may also recommend you wear a wristwatch-like device called an autograph, which measures your waking rhythms over a period of several days.

Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder Treatment and Outlook

While there is no cure for delayed sleep phase syndrome, the condition can sometimes be effectively managed with the help of light therapy. You would be exposed to bright lights in the morning and dim lighting before bed to help restore your circadian rhythms.

You might also be advised to try slowly scaling back your bedtime.

If these treatments aren’t effective, you may find that you outgrow the problem. If your work/school/home life allows for a later bedtime and later wake-up time, then as someone with delayed sleep phase syndrome, you may not have any problem with it. e. But if it interferes with your life and daily functioning, you should talk with your doctor or a sleep specialist to see how best to manage it.

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