
Apple’s lawsuit against Samsung in danger


The legal battle on going with Apple vs Samsung could be headed for a new turn inSamsung’s favor. In latest tech news for today, a recent US Patent and Trademark Office decision may have upturned the odds in Samsung’s favor yet again.

Apple and Samsung have locked horns over a patent dispute that runs back and forth in both the companies.

In the particular dispute Apple has accused the Korean firm of allegedly copying its bounce back scroll feature on a number of it’s’ devices. Some of these devices are mentioned in the patent lawsuit and they are: Captivate, Droid, Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy Prevail, Replenish, Mesmerize, Infuse 4G, Vibrant, to mention a few.

Last year the US Patent and Trademark Office confirmed that Samsung had certainly infringed on patent copyrights. However during a recent re examination, the Office has now issued a First Office order that rejects all claims of Apple’s patency suit though not in a direct definitive manner. Although the trail ended last year, with Samsung being told to pay nearly 1.5 billion dollars in damages to the Cupertino frim, the amount was reduced to 450 million dollars by Judge Lucy Koh. The amount is set to be reduced much further now, but this decision can be appealed against. It is unclear whether Apple will pursue an appeal draft against this decision by the USPTO.

This new report suggests that Apple has not addressed the Office’s concerns properly

and that the USPTO may have found some real credence to Samsung’s denial of copyright infringement. The reassessment of evidence as ordered by Judge Lucy Koh to recalculate the damages have resulted in a big set to Apple.

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