
Acer Laptop unboxing

ACER Laptop

Acer Laptop unboxing

Laptop Giveaway This is a video of an Acer Laptop unboxing, just to get a first look on whats all in the box!
ACER Laptop Video Rating: 3 / 5

How to you reduce an Acer laptop temperature?

I have an Acer laptop it has a hot temperature everytime.How can you reduce it?(My Acer laptop has a black color)

ACER Laptop best answer:

Answer by Skylar
Well you can but a small venting fan to intal on it and try proping it up when in use, such as just put it at an angle or its a possible battery defect, but dont use it too much if its charging it… Id recomend you keep it off while charging tho, hope it fixes your issue with it.

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