New Cars

2017 Renault Scenic


Five years ago, Renault brought the Renault R-Space Concept to the Geneva Auto Show. This year, we saw what appeared to be the same concept sitting at Renault’s stand. Was it déjà vu? Nope. We were actually looking at the next-generation Renault Scenic. That’s right, Renault took its famed R-space concept and used it as a basis for the newest Scenic.

Oddly enough, Renault kept a lot of to styling from the concept when it made the new Scenic. There were, of course, changes made to make it production ready, but as you can see from our main display image, it’s not that far off. In fact, as far as first impressions go, one might argue that it actually looks better than the R-Space concept. How often do we say that about a concept turned production model? Not very often at all.

Laurens van den Acker, Renault’s Senior Vice President of Corporate Design, said, “We wanted the new SCENIC to break new ground. It is a sexier and more modern take on the MPV which carries over the outstanding modularity that has been paramount to the success of the model’s three previous generations over the past 20 years. Its proportions and large-diameter wheels draw inspiration from the R-Space concept car.”

You’ve got to hand it to Renault when it comes to the new Scenic. It’s slated to be the bomb diggity of the MPV segment, and if the interior is as stylish as the exterior, it won’t have a hard time living up to that hype. The original Scenic virtually invented the MPV marketplace and has held its rank rather well over the years. So, will the new Scenic continue to be a leader of the MPV segment? Well, we have some new pictures and lots of information, so let’s dive on in and find out for ourselves.

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